What can make Gen Zers three times less likely to leave your organization?

Young man waiting for an interview

There’s a lot of anecdotal evidence on the difficulty of finding nonprofit workers.  You probably have your own story.  The National Council of Nonprofits has a national Nonprofit Workforce Survey that’s seeking your data to help better understand the challenges across the country and in each state.  Spend a few minutes to take their survey.

 The Bureau of Labor Statistics reported in September 2022 that the median job tenure for workers ages 25-34 is 2.8 years, and that only 9% of workers ages 30-34 had been with their current employer for 10 or more years.

 What can you do to make your jobs “stickier?”

 According to a March 2023 Deloitte Digital article, Gen Z makes up “more than a quarter of the US workforce.”  Based on a survey of 2000 Gen Zers and 600 bosses, the first finding which they highlight is a gap in how Gen Z and their bosses value empathy. “What bosses don’t realize is that for Gen Z, empathy is considered a precondition to taking on increased responsibility and to meaningful engagement.”  They find that “Gen Zers who feel cared for at work are 3.3x more likely to look forward to coming to work and are less likely to have plans to leave their job.”

As you’re looking to build your team and future leaders, along with identifying competencies and professional development, make sure you’re keeping an eye on culture.  That Deloitte Digital article is a great place to start.

And remember, take the Nonprofit Workforce Survey too. Let’s help provide the data to show why people are a nonprofit’s most important asset.


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